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Social Media Ads can boost sales in just 7 days even during this pandemic.

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Why Is Digital Advertising Important?

Today’s digital marketplace is fierce and growing by the nanosecond. While bringing plenty of fresh challenges for brands, these challenges also open up a vast new world of opportunities for strategic growth. Like smarter ways of connecting with customers.


Digital advertising creates powerful opportunities to tell brand stories at scale and in context. Through ads on various devices and channels, marketers can reach larger audiences in a way that is real-time and increasingly personal.


There are three reasons why digital advertising is critical in today’s multi-channel, multi-device buyer landscape:

Your Buyers Are On Digital Channels

Your customers spend a lot of time online. Gone are the days when newspapers and magazines dominated your buyer’s attention. We are firmly entrenched in the digital era.  With your buyers constantly switching channels and devices,how can you reach them? Digital advertising is a fantastic way for your brand to live across channels.

Greater Targeting Capabilities 

When you put an advertisement in a magazine you have very little control, if any, over who sees and interacts with it. With today’s advancements in digital advertising, marketers can now target the exact audience that’s most likely to purchase your product. You can also deliver messages that are uniquely created to resonate with your audience as individuals, based on who they are and what they do.

Personalization & Conversation

With today’s powerful digital tools, there is so much data available about your customers. You can personalize your ads based on who the individual is from their demographics, where they are in the buying cycle,  and the content viewed. With this advanced personalization, you can have more relevant conversations with buyers across all channels—which is truly the holy grail for marketers.


Turn $10 into $50 in just 7 days with Facebook Ads even during this pandemic.

Facebook isn’t just for socializing anymore. It’s for growing your business. But if you’re not one of those savvy business owners who is already using Facebook to your advantage, chances are you’re losing countless paying customers to the competition and spinning your wheels with outdated advertising methods that get you little to no results.


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Turn $100 into $500 with Linkedin Ads. Recession-proof marketing!

A recent revamp of LinkedIn’s advertising platform, Campaign Manager, has added a few new tools to the LinkedIn marketer toolbox. In addition to sharper targeting options, the platform made the switch to objective-based advertising. That means advertisers can now run campaigns around clearly defined goals, such as brand awareness, lead generation, or engagement.


Instagram Ads that can grow your sales in just 7 days even during this pandemic.

Instagram is more than just a place to build up followers, it’s also a powerful advertising tool. Facebook and Instagram have joined forces giving businesses two powerful platforms to create targeted marketing campaigns to drive sales. *Instagram's potential advertising reach is 849.3 million users. A16 Studios will develop a social media strategy for your business to help drive web traffic, build trust with your audience, generate enquires, and drive sales.

  • Why is social media marketing so important?
    Social media marketing is critically important for increasing customer loyalty and brand awareness. It provides an unrivaled platform for improving your brand authority on Google anas well as increasing traffic to your website which helps improve your rankings. Social media can be considered the lifeblood of your digital marketing efforts.
  • How does social media marketing increase sales?
    Social media marketing increases sales by building relationships with your prospects and helping guide them down the sales funnel by giving them engaging content to communicate with your brand. Over 70% of people that have had a positive social media experience are more likely to reccomend your brand.
  • What are the benefits of using social media to advertise?
    Using social media is one of the best and most cost effective ways to reach a local audience. by being able to target specific audiences allows you to narrow down the scope of you ads. People are active on social media up to 25 hours a week, therefore it is very effective for advertising whether you pay for ad space or not. Aslo, people tend to engage with brands that are more active on social media.
  • Which social media network is best for small businesses?
    Owning a small busines may make you feel like you don't have the advertising budget to compete with the larger players in your market but that's the furthest thing from the truth. We say stick to the larger players in social media first which are Facebook, IG, Twitter and/or LinkedIn. For example, if you have a B2B brand then LinkedIn would be the best bang for you buck, if you have an E-Commerce store that specializes in selling female fashion accesories then InstaGram would work really well for you.
  • What do we need to get started on your service?
    We will need to have a 45 minute onboarding call with you to understand more about your business, brand and market. We will also need access to your social media accounts and your WhatsApp number to be in regular contact with any industry movements and opportunities that need immediate actioning.
  • How much do I need to spend on the ads?
    The budget depends on the number of ads you want to run. We recommend starting out with 1-2 ads and spending min. $300 per ad/ month.
  • Can you guarantee conversions?
    No, we can't and any agency that says that they can is lying to you. Results depend on many factors such as your website, your lead magnet but we will help you get the traffic you are after through social media ads.


100 million Americans are logging on to Facebook each and every month! Don’t miss out on tapping into this huge market of prospects, who spend like Floyd Mayweather after a big fight.  

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